About Us

History Is On Your Side!

Every 50 years early eastern societies celebrated a year of Jubilee - slaves were released from servitude, land was returned to its original owners and personal debts were forgiven! Although this tradition may have been forgotten as time marched on the spirit of freedom is very much alive at Jubilee Financial!

The very building blocks of Jubilee Financial are inspired from this ancient tradition and belief that EVERYONE is worthy of a fresh-start or a “Financial Jubilee.”

Why Choose Us?

We are a full-service team of experienced professionals providing options and resources to help Americans get relief from their debt-burdens. We work with brokers, lenders and debt relief providers offering individualized financial services taking into account each clients particular situation and needs.

We are here every step of the way! Whether it’s debt-consolidation, money for a new roof, credit card relief, medical bills or unsecured student debt - we can help!